
Extra measures and constrictions Corona virus

Interhouse takes the measures and constrictions regarding the Corona virus seriously. Your and our health is our main priority. We have adjusted our modus operandi so we can remain being of service to you, but also strictly comply to the safety measures from the Dutch government. You will find the measures we apply to our meetings below.

Guidelines for meetings at location

Meetings at location, ie. (video / FaceTime) viewings, check ins, etc. can still take place provided that physical contact is kept to a minimum and the guidelines below are strictly observed.

  • In case you have health complaints, you must inform us in advance and we will reschedule the appointment.
  • We request you to ensure good hand and oral hygiene immediately prior to the appointment.
  • During the appointment there will always be a distance of at least 1,5 meters between you and the Interhouse employee.
  • During the appointment, there should be no physical contact between you and the Interhouse employee, including shaking hands.
  • In the unlikely event that you or the Interhouse employee has to cough or sneeze, please do so on the inside of the elbow.
  • Come with a maximum of 2 people.
  • Wearing a face mask is mandatory.

Guidelines for meetings at one of our offices

We kindly request you read the points below carefully before possibly entering one of our offices. 

  • If you have health complaints, we urge you not to enter our office. We will be happy to assist you by telephone.
  • We allow a maximum of 2 (associated) visitors to our office simultaneously.
  • When entering our office please keep a minimum distance of 1,5 meters from our employee.
  • In our office, no hands will be shaken and no other physical contact will occur.
  • In the unlikely event that you cough or sneeze in our office, you should do so in your elbow.
  • Wearing a face mask is mandatory.

Our partners

Logo Pararius
Logo Mini
Logo Expat rentals
Logo Funda
Logo Hielkema & co
Logo DataChecker
Logo Realworks
Logo VastgoedPro